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深圳市富升铝业有限公司是一家专始创建于2006年,经过多年的诚信经营,在发展中不断壮大,目前本公司已在东莞、上海等地区设立分公司,成为广东地区比较大型的金属原材料销售商之一。公司近几年来,建立了良好的合作伙伴关系,共同发展,共创辉煌,达成双赢。 公司主要从事经营进口铝板、铝卷、铝排、铝棒和铝管,主要经营国外品牌有美国ALCOA、日本神户、韩国浦项、日本住友、加拿大铝业、以及国内品质铝合金材料,进口铜合金材料,产品广泛应用于航空、交通运输、机械、模具、塑胶製品、电子产品以及精密机械设备行业。
Shenzhen Fusheng Aluminum Co. Ltd. is a college founded in 2006, after years of credit management, continue to grow in the development, the company has been in Dongguan, Shanghai and other regions to establish a branch, become one of the relatively large metal raw material vendors in Guangdong area. In recent years, the company has established a good partnership, common development, create brilliant, to achieve a win-win situation. The company is mainly engaged in imports of aluminum, aluminum coil, aluminum row, aluminum rods and tubes, mainly engaged in foreign brands are the United States ALCOA, Japan, South Korea, Japan, Kobe, Pohang Sumitomo Alcan and the quality Aluminum Alloy materials, imported copper alloy materials, products are widely used in aerospace, transportation, machinery, mold, plastic products, electronic products, precision machinery and equipment industry.
Sales of different metal materials in different areas, sales across the country, car delivery, express logistics, timely delivery. The company has strong economic strength, good momentum of development and the development of the grand blueprint, always follow the "unity and pragmatic, excellence" spirit of enterprise, adhere to the "integrity is our fundamental, quality is our life" quality policy!
公司名称: 深圳市富升金属材料有限公司 公司类型: 企业单位 (制造商,贸易商)
所 在 地: 广东/深圳 公司规模: 1-49人
注册资本: 111万人民币 注册年份: 2006
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00 商币
经营模式: 制造商,贸易商
经营范围: 1060纯铝板,2024保温铝板,3003厨具铝板,5052防锈铝板,6061氧化铝板,7075超声波铝
销售的产品: 1060纯铝板,2024保温铝板,3003厨具铝板,5052防锈铝板,6061氧化铝板,7075超声波铝
冶金矿产 / 有色金属合金 / 铝合金